
300 words

I’m in computer room. I am here with my friends Eri, Emi, and Miyuki. We had business English test today. I woke up 8:40. The test will start 9:30. I had panic. It was rain, so I came back home by my father’s car yesterday. I put bicycle in school. I have to quickly very much. I slept late this morning. I would wake up 8:00. And I will study about business English test. But I couldn’t study this. So I didn’t that test. Oh my god. I was so sad. After the test, we came to computer room with my friends. We have to do a lot of homework. I want to go karaoke. But I will finish homework. On lunch we went to Lowson in my university. I ate croquette and two small rice balls. I love rice. So I will fat. I love to spend time with my friends. We can relax and laugh very much. I came back to computer room again, I typing these sentences. Emi is sleeping next me. Eri is searching about companies. I have to do those things. I finished phonetics homework. I will submit to Mr. Tomei with Eri. After that I will go to Kumamoto city. And I will go karaoke. I don’t have part-time job today. So I can relax today. I will go to Fukuoka tomorrow. I have to study more in feburuary and March. I have to fight about to find works in the future. Please cheer me.
How many times will I go to Fukuoka by to find works? I will count these times. I am listening to music. I listening Thelma Aoyama’s music. I love Thelma. I will sing Thelma’s songs. I want to go the city early. I will enjoy after this scary time.

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