
Book Review-4

This is American famous and gorgeous big ship. The name is “Titanic”. It was the biggest ship in the world. The weight is 24900 tons. It was 265 meters long, and 28 meters across. The titanic is very beautiful. The rooms for the first class passengers, like Mr and Mrs Jacob Astor, were like rooms in a very expensive hotel. There were many people in the ship. But the ship hit an iceberg, and sinks. It was very sad news to all over the world people. This story was film. This movie’s leading actor is Leonardo Dicaprio. I watched only once. I hadn’t known that the story is true story, I watched that first time. I will watch this movie again. And I want to know more about Titanic. <129 words>

Book Review-3

Brad Pitt is famous HOLLY WOOD star. He is from America. He is 44 years old. But he looks very young. He is so cool. He is my sort. I love him. His father is owner in Track Company. And his mother is counselor in high school. He appears a lot of movies. My favorite his movie is “Mr&Mrs Smith” The movie is very exciting. I watched the movie 5 times. He co-stars with Angelina Jolly. He and she are so cool in this movie. And I like “Toroy”, too. This movie is very exciting. Please watch these movies once. <100 words>



This is Japanese drama. I love this drama. Ryoko Shinohara and Eita star in this drama. This drama is very interesting. They are so cool. I am addicted to this drama. I go to TSUTAYA almost everyday. Let's go to TSUTAYA!! I will hire Gokusen next. <46 words>



On March 5. I went to Amakusa with my friend. I drove. In the morning, we planed 9 o’clock assembly. 7 people participated in the plan. But 2 people overslept. So we could leave for Amakusa 10 o’clock. We went to ripple land. We played on sandy beach. It was very fun. Regrettably, it was cloudy. I wish it will be sunny we will go next. <66 words>