
For job hunting

I bought textbook for job hunting. It was 1500 yen. This is written about well-balanced questions. But it is not easy for me. I have to study hard with this text book. I will see this text book everyday. I have to study hard. I don't like study. But I will tri my best. Please cheer to me. <58 words>


I went to tori-tatsu with my friend, Tomomi. We are good friend.

I'm inventor.

I was very hungry this day. I eat slice bread every day. I eat a toast with butter or jam. But I was tired to eat the same breakfast everyday. Suddenly, an idea came to me. I made it! First, I put mayonnaise around slice bread. Next, I put egg middle bread and don't spill mayonnaise wall. And toast it about 5 minutes. It was so delicious! I surprised!! I will invent new delicious foods. <75 words>



I went to hakken-den.